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남을 비방하는 말, 비속어, 음란성 글, 광고성, 실명을 사용하지 않은 글은 관리자 임의로 바로 삭제합니다.

Information on applying for temporary support of out-of-school foreign students
Information on applying for temporary support of out-of-school foreign students
작성자 안경화 작성일 2020-10-21 14:52:08
조회수 1266

Application Period: October 26th, 2020 to October 30th, 2020 < for 5 days)

How to Apply: Visit and submit the required documents at the district(local) office of education of the school where the child is attending ( a representative delegation is not allowed but can be accompanied by an interpreter)

Required Documents

 - Application for children temporary support fund

 - Passport(both child and guardian)

 - Certificate of alien registration( both child and guardian must be present)

 - Guardian’s Alien Registration Card(ARC)

 - A copy of a bankbook in the name of the guardian or child

 - Original copy of a proof of enrollment in school located in Chungnam as of October 8th 

Payment Method: Payment will be given to the bank account after the verification and supplementation of the submitted documents

For Inquiries: Education Welfare Team , Chungcheongnam-do Office of Education, and District(city and county) Office of Education

(Address and contact number of the education office(s))

Education Office


Telephone No.


Chungcheongnam-do Office of Education

Hongseong-gun, Hongbuk-eup, Sunhwa-ro 22, Chungnam



Gumsan Office of Education


14 Insam-ro, Gumsan-eup, Gumsan-gun, Chungnam







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